Covid 19 Update
During this unprecedented time of uncertainty and challenge, and in accordance with government guidelines we have had to change our working practices in the cattery.
In order to meet the guidelines set out by the government to ensure the safety of our customers and ourselves the following procedures are now in place:
Dropping off and collecting cats are by appointment only.
Only one customer permitted on the premises at any one time.
Strict social distancing and hand sanitising procedures to be followed by customers and staff whilst on the premises.
Only cattery staff are permitted in the cattery.
Payment by Bank Transfer only – no cash or cheques.
All paperwork completed in advance by telephone or email.
These changes will affect all of our existing customers as well as our new clients.
Covid-19 Opening Hours
Our Opening Hours are Strictly by Appointment Only:
Monday to Saturday
9 AM to 5.30 PM
We are open for 365 days of the year, however the cattery is closed to clients on
Sundays and all Bank Holidays.
Unfortunately cats cannot be dropped off or collected on these days.
Covid-19 Drop Off and Collection
Drop Off and Collections are by appointed time only within the above hours.
It will no longer be possible to allow owners within the cattery building.
Social distancing will need to be observed at all times.
We hope these changes will not inconvenience our customers and are grateful for your support and understanding at this difficult time.
If you have any queries, please do get in touch by:
Phone: 07736 777961 or Email: